words published by 1890 and put to music probably were the subject of more than
one sermon he delivered. Frank Bottome’s “The Comforter Has Come” (may also be known
by its first line ‘O Spread the Tidings ‘Round’) was a declaration of some
exciting news he wanted to share with hearers, probably as he considered the
difficulties some of them could not escape. Certainly, some of them – in fact,
all of us – need Him to come and be like the dove that alit on Jesus (shown
here in the Portuguese painter Almeida Junior’s 1895 artwork). What else might
have motivated this 67-year old minister to remind believers that God is still
present, that His Spirit should not be forgotten?
Bottome began and finished his life as an Englishman, and in between those two
points began his life’s ministry and built his poetic resume that expressed his
faith through music in America. Though born in north-central England in 1823,
Bottome immigrated to the New World when he was 27 and began his work in the
Methodist Episcopalian Church. As he turned 40, he’d received an honorary
doctorate in theology, while also being active in music and ministry
concurrently. He wrote a few dozen hymn texts, and also compiled several
hymnals, including the 1890 compilation (Precious
Times of Refreshing and Revival) in which his thoughts and zeal about the “The
Comforter..” first appeared. Perhaps his words in the verses tell us all we
need to know about the circumstances of its development. Verses one through
three hint that human struggle was on Bottome’s mind, as the ‘woes’ (v.1), ‘wail’
(v.2), and ‘captive’ (v.3) nature of our earthbound days spoke to him. It’s
likely that Bottome was engaged in reading about the Comforter described in
John’s gospel (chapters 14-16) in the King James version, the bible translation
most common for his time. Was it an aggrieved church member, even himself, or
perhaps an unbeliever that he was seeking to encourage as he read from John and
composed his poem? His role as a minister must have brought him into contact
with many whose daily woes and captivity troubled his spirit. How does the
average soul confront the ‘dreadful wail’ and ‘fury of the blast’, an
unavoidable hurricane-like storm? As he approached his life’s conclusion in his
late ‘60s, perhaps Bottome -- who lived just a few additional years, until he
died in 1894 – wanted some reassurance himself. He apparently returned to
England as he approached Eternity, and went on to the next life while in a
small village in the southwest portion of that island nation.
along the way, after Bottome’s original words expressed his thoughts, alternate
language has been employed in the song’s verses and refrain, thus shining the
light on another member of the Trinity. So, in some versions of the song, the “Comforter”
does not make His appearance, while ‘the Lord of lords’ and ‘King of kings’ is
lauded -- also very appropriate, but notably different than what Frank Bottome
wanted to convey. It raises the issue of which members of the Godhead we should
honor, or at least the modifiers of Bottome’s poem must have thought so. Why
did Jesus send the Comforter? He wouldn’t have come, except that Jesus
completed His mission first, and then called for the Spirit to accompany us in this
next era. Our earthly days and our future days are both important to God,
undeniably. We’ll see God. We can see Him now, too, if we look close.
See more information on the song discussed
above in these sources: The Complete Book of Hymns – Inspiring
Stories About 600 Hymns and Praise Songs by William J. Petersen and Ardythe
Petersen, Tyndale House Publishers, 2006; and Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring
Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions by Kenneth W. Osbeck, Kregel Publications,
See all five verses here: http://www.hymntime.com/tch/htm/c/o/m/f/comfortr.htm
This song has some of the greatest lyrics ever written: ". . . that I, a child of hell, should in His image shine . . ." - Wow!